
Recall my Graduation Day

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Gaudeamus Igitur (^,^)/*

on Saturday, 22 October 2011.. My name was changed to be YOLLANDA ALVIS, S.ST. Alhamdulilah, finally after 4 years i finished my study at 'Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik Jakarta'. Maybe some of you don't know my college, hahhaaa.. Ok, i'll introduced a little about my college :D
STIS is the college that all of the students get schoolarship from the goverment (it means, i study there with no payment, hehe). And after graduated from that, we become civil servants in Statistics Indonesia (or call 'Badan Pusat Statistik).

Back to the topic.. I wanna share my experience to get my new name :D
For me, it's not easy to get the title on my name #S.ST. Because i must fight against the enemies of all subjects, that's statistics. It make my brain curl everytime #nerd.. Oh ya, two weeks before my graduation, my "beautiful lecture" didn't permit me to pass that year (there's like misunderstanding between my lecture and my associate professor that make me and my friends can't pass her courses).. Alhamdulillah, after the trouble resolved, i can get my new name in that year #yeaaay, happyjump :p

I really happy because my big family and my best friend came to my graduation. Thanks with a big warm hug to all of you :)

ABU :*

#sorry, if my vocabulary isn't good.. i always study more ^^